Monthly Archives: July 2019

Warsaw Marathon Foundation establish partnership with the Abbott World Marathon Majors

Next year’s 42nd Warsaw Marathon will be the first polish marathon race to participate in the Abbott World Marathon Majors Wanda Age Group World Championships as a qualifying event.

Warsaw Marathon Foundation establish partnership with the new Age Group World Rankings Series.

The 42nd Warsaw Marathon officially becomes the qualifying event for the  Wanda Age Group World Championships.

Starting from the year 2020, Warsaw Marathon becomes the first marathon event in Poland to cooperate as official qualifying event for the World Championships for marathon runners aged 40+.  The first qualifying series had more than 50 races across the world, with the inaugural Age Group World Championships set to take place in April 2020 as part of the Virgin Money London Marathon. For the second edition – which the Warsaw Marathon will be part of – will have 175 events across the globe. The spread of the selected marathon events creates a truly global series throughout the year and the venue for the 2021 World Championships will be announced later this year.

Tim Hadzima, Executive Director of Abbott World Marathon Majors said:
“We are very excited about the response to the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Rankings from marathons around the world. More than 125,000 runners aged 40+ participate in AbbottWMM races each year and this new system will allow even more runners to become a part of the AbbottWMM family. Our system gives runners a chance to run all over the world and all across the calendar on a truly global stage. We want to give them a chance to gain recognition like never before.”

” We are proud to be working with all our partners to take age group marathon running to the next level and showcase the achievements of these everyday champions.” – Adds Tim Hadzima.

President of ” Warsaw Marathon Foundation”, Marek Tronina, emphasise the steady progression of event:
” Warsaw Marathon from the very beginning of its existance aspired to popularize marathon races in Poland. We managed to introduce new trends and improvements every year which led to better organization of the entire event. Our agreement with the Abbott World Marathon Majors is another part of our self improvement and confirmation that we are heading the right direction.”

Participants in an AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Ranking qualifying race will earn points according to their age, time and gender, aligned with the following age groups for men and women: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.

For more information on the scoring system and world rankings, visit