29 września 2024 / September 29th, 2024

46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon Regulations

Regulations of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon

  1. Organizer
    1. The organizer of the 46th National-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon is the Warsaw Marathon Foundation; Brylantowa 15, 05-077 Warsaw, NIP 9521913280, REGON 015438288.
    2. You can contact the organizer by phone: (+48 22) 266-21-00, by email: info@maratonwarszawski.com, or by mail: Warsaw Marathon Foundation, Grochowska 8c, 04-217 Warsaw.
  2. Date and place
    1. The race will take place on September 29, 2024, in Warsaw.
    2. The race will start at 9:00 AM. The starting line will close approximately 10 minutes after the starter’s gun.
    3. Course length: 42.195 km. The course is certified by the Polish Athletic Association (PZLA) and World Athletics.
    4. The exact route is published on the official website maratonwarszawski.com. The organizer reserves the right to change the route or start time, notifying participants through the website. Such a change does not give rise to any additional claims or obligations.
    5. The course will be marked with vertical and horizontal signs every kilometer.
    6. Participants line up in designated zones at the start, according to the color-coded markings on their race bibs. The assignment to a specific zone is based on the result declared by the participant in the registration form. Editing the declared result is possible until August 31, 2024. For those paying the entry fee after August 31, 2024, the organizer does not guarantee placement in the time zone corresponding to their declared result.
    7. The organizer reserves the right to change the start time, informing participants by posting the relevant information on the maratonwarszawski.com website. This change does not result in any additional claims or obligations.
  1. Participation
    1. Only individuals who will turn 18 by September 29, 2024 (born before September 30, 2006), are eligible to participate in the race.
    2. All participants must be verified at the Race Office or opt for the Start Packet Delivery, as outlined in section VI of the regulations. Verification can be done:
      1. in person: based on a photo ID
      2. by an authorized person: with a QR code and a photocopy of the participant’s ID – based on the start card signed by the participant (available for download from the website approximately two weeks before the race) and a photocopy of the participant’s ID.

Race Office Address: Palace of Culture and Science (entrance from Marszałkowska Street), Pl. Defilad 1, 00-901 Warsaw.
Race Office Hours:
September 27, 2024 (Friday): 14:00 – 20:00
September 28, 2024 (Saturday): 10:00 – 20:00
Note: The Race Office will be closed on race day.

  1. At the Race Office, participants will receive their race packs, which include: a race number with a timing chip, safety pins, and a commemorative t-shirt (according to the selected race pack option). T-shirts will be distributed according to the previously declared size. The size of the t-shirt should be selected in the registration form. Changes to the t-shirt size can be made by editing the registration form, but no later than September 10, 2024. The availability of t-shirts in a particular size is limited, and the organizer does not guarantee its availability at all times.
  2. Race packs that are not collected at the Race Office will not be sent or distributed at a later date.
  3. During the race, all participants must have their race numbers attached horizontally to the front of their shirt (or jacket). The race number must be visible at all times throughout the event; covering or modifying the number (either partially or completely, at any stage of the race) is prohibited and may result in disqualification. The timing chip is integrated with the race number. Tampering with the timing chip (e.g., bending, peeling off, etc.) or placing the race number anywhere other than horizontally on the front of the chest may lead to improper functioning of the timing chip and, consequently, no result for the participant.
  4. Starting with someone else’s race number is prohibited and results in disqualification of the registered participant.
  5. The organizer allows participants using manual wheelchairs with direct propulsion to start. These participants, after completing the registration form indicating their intention to race with a wheelchair, must send a scanned document confirming their disability to info@maratonwarszawski.com. This is a condition for receiving a 50% discount on the entry fee (package without a T-shirt). The organizer does not permit participation of athletes using wheelchairs with indirect propulsion (e.g., handbikes) or rim-push type wheelchairs.
  6. Participants in the race are subject to the rules of the Polish Athletic Association (PZLA), World Athletics, and this regulation.
  7. According to PZLA guidelines, participants representing Russia and Belarus are excluded from competing in the Nice To Fit You Warsaw 10K race. The exception is for Belarusian participants who permanently reside in Poland and send a scan of their DECLARATION to info@maratonwarszawski.com. These participants will compete without representing any country.
  8. The organizer provides medical services at the start, along the course, and at the finish throughout the duration of the race.
  1. Registrations
    1. Registrations are accepted through the registration form available on the websites: nnmaratonwarszawski.com and https://rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com/.
    2. A registration is considered complete if the following conditions are met: the registration form is filled out, and the payment for the entry fee is processed.
    3. To participate in the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon, you can register by choosing one of the two options:
      1. Traditional – by completing the registration form available on the event’s website and paying the required entry fee
      2. Charity – by participating in the #IRunWell campaign, which is governed by a separate set of rules.
    4. Online registration will close on September 28, 2024. Registration will also be possible in person at the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon Race Office, with the condition that the total number of race numbers available for those registering after September 27, 2024, and at the Race Office is 200.
    5. The organizer reserves the right to close registrations earlier if the participant limits specified in Section V.4 are reached.
  2. Sending the Race Packet
    1. Participants in the Nice To Fit You Warsaw 10K have the option to use the race packet mailing service.
    2. The shipping of the Starter Package involves sending the package (which includes the race number, timing chip, safety pins, and commemorative T-shirt—according to the chosen starter package option) via a courier service to the address specified by the Participant, under the terms outlined in the Courier Company’s regulations for domestic transportation and postal services.
    3. The mailing of the race packet is only available within Poland.
    4. The race packet mailing includes the delivery of the race number with a timing chip, safety pins, and, if applicable, the commemorative T-shirt (according to the selected race packet option). Sponsor items are not included in the packet mailing—they are distributed only at the Race Office during the in-person packet pickup.
    5. The mailing of the race packet is an additional paid option. The fee for mailing the race packet is 35 PLN (gross) per participant. Ordering and paying for the race packet mailing option is possible until September 4, 2024.
    6. To be eligible for mailing, the participant must have a race number (assigned after the entry fee is processed) by September 4, 2024, at the latest.
    7. To qualify for the shipping of the race packet, the participant must have a race number (issued after the entry fee is processed) by no later than September 4, 2024, and must send a clear scan or photo of the signed Start Card to wysylka@maratonwarszawski.com. The deadline for sending these documents is September 7, 2024. If the required documents are not submitted, the starter package can be collected at the Race Office under standard conditions, and the shipping fee will not be refunded.
    8. Mailings will be carried out approximately two weeks before the race. If the participant does not receive the packet by September 23, 2024, they should report this to the organizer at wysylka@maratonwarszawski.com.
    9. Participants opting for the mailing service are not required to verify their registration at the Race Office.
  3. Fees
    1. Each participant in the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon is responsible for paying the entry fee. The exception is participants in the #BiegamDobrze campaign, who are subject to the procedure described in a separate REGULATION. The entry fee covers the starter package (point IV.3 of the Regulation), as well as athlete support before, during, and after the event, rental and/or purchase of infrastructure necessary for organizing the race, and maintenance of the online registration website and the event’s official website.
    2. The basic entry fee for international participants is 120 euros if paid at the Race Office (September 27-28, 2024).

Entry fee

by March 31st, 2024

66 euro

from April 1st, 2024

until June 30th, 2024

75 euro

from July 1st, 2024
until August 31st, 2024

90 euro

from September 1st, 2024
until September 26th, 2024

105 euro

  1. The participant also has the option to order additional options and services, with prices as follows:



Technical New Balance T-shirt 

20 euro

Cotton T-shirt

12 euro

The possibility of withdrawal and refund of the registration fee

10 euro

Sending the race packet

9 euro

Engraving the medal

6 euro

  1. The number of shirts is limited. If a participant selected a shirt in the registration form but did not pay the registration fee within 7 days of submitting the registration, and the stock of available shirts is low, the Organizer reserves the right to remove the selected (unpaid) shirt from the registration. The participant will be informed of this via email.
  2. Participants who made the registration payment after September 17, 2024, and did not receive confirmation of their race number assignment must present proof of payment in the race office.
  3. If the entry fee is paid in an insufficient amount (e.g., due to exceeding the payment deadline specified in these regulations), the participant is required to pay the difference to match the amount they should have paid according to the deadline of their most recent payment.
  4. The entry fee can be paid online (from the registration profile) via the service at https://www.payu.pl/. PayU S.A., located at Grunwaldzka 182, 60-166 Poznań, NIP 7792308495, REGON 300523444, is responsible for processing and securing online payments. PayU S.A. is a domestic payment institution supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and is listed in the Payment Services Register under number IP1/2012.
  5. Participants born on September 29, 1959, or earlier will receive a 25% discount on the standard registration fee (package without a T-shirt) applicable at the time of payment.
  6. Participants using wheelchairs are entitled to a 50% discount on the basic entry fee (package without T-shirt), provided they send a scan of their disability certification to info@maratonwarszawski.com.
  7. Proof of payment is indicated by the appearance of the race number next to the participant’s name on the start list at maratonwarszawski.com. If the race number does not appear after 7 days, the participant is required to contact the organizer by phone at (+48 22) 266-21-00 or by email at info@maratonwarszawski.com.
  8. The organizer is not responsible for the loss of registration or payment due to postal or banking errors.
  9. Based on Article 38, point 12 of the Consumer Rights Act, participants who are consumers within the meaning of Article 22¹ of the Civil Code do not have the right to withdraw from the contract.
  10. The fee once paid is non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, non-transferable to a future race, and cannot be exchanged for a voucher. The exception is if the participant selects and pays for the “Refund Option” during registration. The cost of this service is 10 EUR and is non-refundable.
  11. If the participant selects the “Refund Option” mentioned in point 10, they acquire the ability to withdraw from the race without providing a reason and receive a 100% refund of the entry fee, including any additional options chosen, provided that the intention to withdraw is communicated by the non-extendable deadlines: September 26, 2024 (for those picking up their race packet at the Race Office) or September 7, 2024 (for those using the race packet mailing option).
  12. To withdraw as mentioned in point VII.15, you must log in to your runner account on the website rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com and select the “I Withdraw from the Race” button in the “YOUR RACES” section.
  13. A participant who withdraws from the race will receive a 100% refund of the entry fee and any additional services purchased (excluding the Withdrawal Fee) within 21 days, using the same payment method as the original payment.
  14. Refunds, as mentioned in point VII.16., do not apply to fees paid using a “promotional code”.
  15. Participants who wish to receive an invoice for the entry fee should select the appropriate option in the registration form and provide the required details for issuing the document. The invoice will be generated after the payment is processed and made available for download from the participant’s profile by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the payment was made.
    According to tax regulations, since the payment is made before the service is rendered, a pro forma invoice will be issued covering the full amount of the entry fee. Therefore, the pro forma invoice will also serve as the final invoice.
    By selecting the invoice option, the participant agrees to receive and access invoices electronically without a signature. This consent does not exclude the organizer’s right to issue and send paper invoices.
  16. To receive a Pro Forma invoice, please send the following information to ksiegowosc@maratonwarszawski.com: details for the invoice, the number and list of participants (with registration numbers), and information about the selected race packet option. Pro Forma invoices are issued for a minimum of two participants (requests for Pro Forma invoices for a single participant cannot be accommodated).
  1. Deposits, meals
    1. Participants will receive a bag with a sticker in their race packet, which allows them to deposit their belongings in a designated area. The bag can only be picked up using the race number. If a participant loses their race number, the organizer is not responsible for any issues related to someone else retrieving the bag. Note: It is prohibited to leave valuable items and documents in the deposit area.
    2. Before and after the race, participants will have access to changing rooms. After the race, participants will have the opportunity to use changing rooms, massage services, and showers.
    3. All participants in the race will receive: access to aid stations along the route and a recovery package at the finish line (including a drink and a meal).
  2. Refreshment points and checkpoints
    1. Aid stations stocked with water will be placed approximately every 2.5 kilometers starting from the 5-kilometer mark. Additionally, starting from the 10-kilometer mark, every other aid station will also offer isotonic drinks and bananas.
    2. The organizer does not accept private nutrition from participants.
    3. Nearby each aid station, there will be toilets available..
    4. The timing checkpoints will be located at the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40-kilometer marks, as well as at the half-marathon distance.
    5. The staff at the timing checkpoints will record the bib numbers of participants who shorten the course. Participants who cut the course or deviate from the route will be disqualified.
  3. Classifications and results
    1. During the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon, the following classifications will be conducted:
      1. General Classification
      2. Women / Men General Classification
      3. Age Categories:
        • K-20 / M-20 (1995-2006)
        • K-30 / M-30 (1985-1994)
        • K-40 / M-40 (1975-1984)
        • K-50 / M-50 (1965-1974)
        • K-60 / M-60 (1955-1964)
        • K-70 / M-70 (1945-1954)
        • K-80 / M-80 (1944 and older)
      4. Team Classification (Classification is governed by a separate regulation – https://maratonwarszawski.com/team-up-everyone-regulamin/ )
      5. Industry Classifications (by gender) – Participants can choose to enter a maximum of one industry classification, which includes:
        • Academic – for students
        • Academic – for lecturers
        • Bankers
        • Journalists
        • Sales and FMCG Producers and Restaurateurs
        • Education Professionals
        • Lawyers
        • Medical Professionals
        • Uniformed Services
        • Insurance Professionals
        • Public Sector Officials
        • Polish Marathon Bloggers Championships
      6. Wheelchair Athletes Classification (these athletes are excluded from other classifications)
    2. The basis for classification is the electronic timing measurement. Timing mats placed along the course will record each participant’s presence at specific points. Failure to register at any of these points may result in disqualification of the participant.
    3. Overall classification is based on actual (net) times, measured from the moment of crossing the start line. The exception is for the first 200 finishers, who are classified based on official (gross) times, measured from the starter’s gun. If there are fewer than 8 men and 8 women among the first 200 finishers, the number will be increased to include at least 8 men and 8 women. All additional classifications (age categories, industry categories) are based on actual (net) times, measured from the moment of crossing the start line.
    4. In the final race results, each participant will receive information on both their gross and net times.
    5. Unofficial race results will be posted on the website https://nnmaratonwarszawski.com/ immediately after the race.
    6. Industry classification results will be available on the website https://nnmaratonwarszawski.com/ within 3 days after the race.
    7. Written protests regarding the results will be accepted until October 1, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the email address info@maratonwarszawski.com. Protests will be reviewed within 96 hours, and the final and official results will be published no later than October 14, 2024.
    8. The diploma (certificate) of completion for the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon, which participants can print themselves, will be available for download via the website https://nnmaratonwarszawski.com/ no later than 21 days after the event.
    9. The organizer reserves the right to introduce additional classifications.
  4. Prizes
    1. All participants who complete the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon will receive commemorative medals at the finish line.
    2. The winners of the top three positions in the overall classifications for both women and men, as well as the top three finishers in the age category classifications, will receive commemorative trophies.
    3. The organizer reserves the right to offer additional cash and prize awards in categories and classifications of their choosing.
  5. Personal data protection
    1. Personal data of participants will be processed in accordance with applicable regulations, particularly with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
    2. The data processing mentioned in point XII. 1. also includes the publication of: first name, last name, year of birth, name of the town, and name of the club.
    3. Detailed information regarding the processing of personal data is provided in Appendix 1 to this regulation.
  6. Finał provisions
    1. All complaints must be submitted by the participant within 7 days of receiving the race packet. After receiving the race packet, the participant should check if it is complete. The participant will receive a response to the complaint promptly, but no later than 30 days from its submission.
    2. Staying on the route of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon without a valid race number is prohibited. Individuals without a valid race number will be removed from the course by the event staff. Specifically, it is forbidden to use bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, other mechanical devices, or strollers on the course without a valid permit issued by the Organizer. The use of Nordic walking poles and running with dogs is also prohibited. Only vehicles of the Organizer (bicycles, motorcycles, cars) with a valid pass issued by the Organizer are allowed on the course.
    3. To obtain individual permission to participate with a stroller, the participant should send a scan of the DECLARATION to info@maratonwarszawski.com and provide the original at the Race Office during the collection of the race packet.
    4. During the race, participants must follow the instructions given by safety personnel, law enforcement, and other individuals designated by the Organizer. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in disqualification.
    5. The organizer provides each participant with accident insurance (NNW) for the duration of the race.
    6. Each participant is required to sign a statement confirming their familiarity with the regulations. By signing this statement, the participant consents to receive first aid, any other necessary medical treatments, and transportation to a safe location by the medical and paramedical staff acting on behalf of the organizer.
    7. The participant declares that they are fit to take part in the race, that they are unaware of any health reasons that would exclude them from participating, and that they are participating at their own risk. They acknowledge that participation in the race involves physical exertion and carries inherent risks of accidents, bodily injuries, physical harm (including death), as well as material damage and loss. Furthermore, there may be other unforeseen risk factors associated with the event. By signing the statement of understanding the regulations, the participant confirms that they have considered and assessed the extent and nature of the risks involved in participating in the race, and that they are participating voluntarily and entirely at their own risk. Decisions made by medical personnel regarding the continuation of the race during the event are final and non-appealable.
    8. After the race, there will be random anti-doping controls, and participants selected by the Commission must comply with them without exception.
    9. By registering for the event, the participant accepts these rules and agrees to the free use of their image captured in photographs or video recordings. The participant grants the Organizer a free license to use the image in all fields of exploitation, including recording and disseminating in any form and storing in computer memory, using it for the promotion and organization of events by the Warsaw Marathon Foundation, providing it to sponsors and partners of 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon for their promotion in the context of their participation in the event, publishing and displaying it in publications of the Warsaw Marathon Foundation, on promotional printed materials of the Organizer, and in press, on websites, and in television and radio broadcasts.
    10. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or interrupt the race without providing a reason.
    11. The placement of advertising materials on elements of the race infrastructure (e.g., fences, arches, etc.) is the exclusive right of the Organizer and is specifically reserved for official sponsors/partners of the race. It is prohibited to place any advertising materials along the race route, on the race route itself, or on the area used for organizing the race (e.g., finish area, race village) without the Organizer’s consent.
    12. The binding and final interpretation of these regulations is solely the prerogative of the organizer of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the Organizer will make the final decisions. If any provision of the Regulations is found to be partially or wholly invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions (in whole or in part) will remain in effect.
    13. Participants in the race and individuals present at the event are prohibited from engaging in behavior that incites violence or from displaying symbols that promote aggression or support acts of war. Individuals who violate this prohibition will be removed from the course and the event area.
    14. The participant and the organizer will strive to resolve any disputes between them amicably, and mediation is a possible option.

Appendix 1 to the Regulations of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon

RODO Information Clause


Who is the data controller of your personal data?

The data controller of your personal data is the Warsaw Marathon Foundation, based in Warsaw at Brylantowa 15, 05-077 Warsaw (NIP: 9521913280, REGON: 015438288, KRS: 0000152754). You can contact the data controller at info@maratonwarszawski.com.


For what purpose and on what basis are your personal data processed?

  1. Provision of services electronically:
    • performance of the contract – which means your participation in the race
  2. performance of the contract – specifically, your participation in the race
    • Your participation in races you register for via the website rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com** (preparation of the race package, insurance, results processing, award distribution, etc.)
    • Publishing publicly available start lists and results
    • Providing payment services
    • Sending organizational information (email/SMS) about the races you register for via the website rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com
    • Handling registrations and correspondence you direct to us
    • Contacting you
    • Enabling contact with the charity organization you support (in the case of charitable registration #IRunWell)
  3. Fulfilling the legal obligations incumbent on the Warsaw Marathon Foundation:
    • for tax and accounting purposes
  4. For purposes arising from the legitimate interests of the Warsaw Marathon Foundation
    • conducting direct marketing of products and services
    • handling applications and correspondence directed to us
    • contacting you
    • preventing fraud and abuse
  5. Based on your consent:
    • sending marketing information (email/SMS)


Do you have to provide personal data?

Providing personal data is necessary both for your participation in the race and for managing your account on the registration website, rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com.

Failure to provide personal data will prevent the conclusion of the contract and participation in the race.


How long will your personal data be processed?

Your data will be processed during your use of the registration website, rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com, and while you are participating in races that you register for through the site.

After this period, your data will still be retained for purposes required by law (particularly for tax and accounting purposes), as well as for preventing fraud and abuse and pursuing any claims arising from the concluded contract.

Some of your data (especially those included in race results) may also be processed beyond this period for statistical and archival purposes.


Who will be the recipients of your personal data?

Your personal data will be disclosed to employees, collaborators, and subcontractors of the Administrator to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of the previously mentioned purposes of data processing.

Start lists and results, containing basic personal data, will be publicly accessible and will be published on the event’s website.


What rights do you have regarding the processing of your personal data?

You have the right to request: access to your personal data, correction of your personal data, deletion of your personal data, and restriction of its processing. Additionally, you have the right to object to its processing and to data portability.

Furthermore, with regard to processing based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.


Where can you file a complaint about the processing of your personal data?

You can file a complaint with the supervisory authority: President of the Personal Data Protection Office, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.


Regulations of the “I Run Well” Campaign

  1. Participants, at the time of registration for the race, are required to choose one of the available registration options:
    1. Traditional registration – by filling out the registration form available on the event’s website and paying the required entry fee.
    2. Charity – by participating in the #BiegamDobrze campaign, which is governed by these regulations
  2. To participate in the #IRunWell campaign, you need to::
    1. select the “charity path” in the race registration form
    2. select a charitable cause to which the collected funds will be donated. You can choose from 11 available charitable organizations: Rak’n’Roll Foundation – Win Your Life, Amnesty International Association, Give Children Strength Foundation, Synapsis Foundation, Premature Foundation – Parents to Parents, Spartans for Children Foundation, Polish Humanitarian Action, Foundation “For the Rescue of Children with Cancer,” DKMS Foundation, Faces of Depression Foundation, Avalon Foundation
    3. complete the required information on the fundraising profile (the page that will be visible to all users on the website and through which support for the fundraising campaign can be provided).
    4. complete the standard race registration form (declared time, additional classifications, etc.)
  3. After completing the registration, the Participant receives an email with a link to their individual page – the fundraising profile.
  4. Participants who collect at least 450.00 PLN in their fundraising account by August 31, 2024, will be assigned start number 46 for the Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon. The cost of participation is covered by the supported charitable organization.
  5. The start number obtained in this way, along with the charity starter pack for the 46th Warsaw Marathon, is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another participant or another race.
  6. Fundraising campaigns for individuals who have not collected the specified amount by August 31, 2024, will end on that date, and the funds raised will be distributed according to point 8 of these regulations.
  7. Fundraising campaigns for individuals who have collected the amount specified in point 4 of the regulations (or exceeded it) will continue until October 4, 2024.
  8. The collected funds, after deducting costs and fees (related to online payments), are distributed:
    1. 90% of the collected amount is transferred to the account of the chosen charitable organization
    2. 10% of the collected amount is allocated for the maintenance and development of the #IRunWell initiative and the statutory objectives of the Warsaw Marathon Foundation.

This distribution occurs regardless of the amount raised and whether the goal specified in point 4 has been achieved.

  1. By registering for the #BiegamDobrze initiative, the participant agrees to transfer the funds they have raised to the account of the charitable organization of their choice, in accordance with point 8 of the regulations.
  2. At any time, the participant can withdraw from continuing the fundraising and transfer their registration from the “charity path” to the “traditional path” by selecting the appropriate option in their profile on the website https://rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com/. The funds collected up to that point will be transferred to the designated organization, in accordance with point 8.
  3. A participant in the “I run Well” initiative who has received the start number mentioned in point 4 can order a shirt, in accordance with the regulations of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon, which must be paid for no later than September 7, 2024.
  4. Participants in the “I Run Well” initiative are subject to the regulations of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon.

*As part of the initiative, Nationale-Nederlanden Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A. will provide additional funds to the organizations for which the participants in the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon have raised the largest amounts. On September 28, 2024, at 12:00 PM, the top three fundraisers with the highest amounts collected will be rewarded. The amount of additional funds provided by the sponsor, Nationale-Nederlanden Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A., will be:

  1. For the 1st place: 15,000 PLN (highest amount raised),
  2. For the 2nd place: 10,000 PLN,
  3. For the 3rd place: 5,000 PLN.

*The symbolic award ceremony for those who have raised the highest amounts will take place on September 29, 2024, on the main stage of the 46th Nationale-Nederlanden Warsaw Marathon.

(This does not apply to fundraisers created for the Nice To Fit You Warsaw 10K.)

*Change as of August 9, 2024.